Sunday, February 05, 2006


Plantronics Voyager™ 510 Bluetooth® Headset on Linux

I own a Plantronics Voyager™ 510 Bluetooth® Headset and I have been wanting to get it working on Linux for a quite sometime. I finally had some free time which utilizeded to get my headset working on Linux. The Bluetooth-alsa project provides support for Bluetooth headsets in Linux.


Check out the btsco from CVS using the following commands
cvs login
cvs co btsco
Compile the userland application
make install
make maintainer-clean
Compile the kernel module
cd kernel
make install
depmod -e
make clean
Now lets configure our headset so that we can test if our headset works.
Now for testing run "xmms" and go to the preferences (Ctrl-P), click configure, and choose the BT device. Now load a song and play it to your headset.

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